Engine Detail
2JZ No S#@%.....
Whether you just purchased your vehicle, had your vehicle a while and want to give the engine bay some much needed TLC, or you're getting ready for Raceworz and don't want to get distracted by the fact that Hector is gonna be running 3 Honda civics with spoon engines and just went into Harry's and bought 3 T66 turbos with NOS and a MoTec System Exhaust (If you know, you know....) your engine will look much better once we’re done.
Not only does a clean engine bay make your car look better (legend has it, it’s also makes your car faster), but it can also help with your engine maintenance by just being able to notice much easier if the engine needs an issue addressed.
Services include:
Inspect engine bay: We want to make sure there’s nothing that we need to keep an eye on during the cleaning.
Cover sensitive areas: Depending on the car, this might be the battery, intake, etc…
Spray and agitate: This is where the heavy work is done with multiple brushes and cleaners.
Dry and blow any water: Now it’s time to dry the entire engine bay (including all the water in the tight areas).
Final touch up and dress plastic: Wrapping up the engine, we’ll touch up any areas that need it and shine up all the plastic panels.
Price starting at $80
All pricing varies based on size, condition and type of engine bay